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B.Ed 245

Educational Decision-making
Name: Educational Decision-making
Course Number: B.Ed 245
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

This course explores the requisite theoretical knowledge and practical skills for decision-making among educators and teachers. Through this course, students learn about decision-making in situations requiring teachers to make decisions. Other topics covered in this course are simple and complex decision-making models, political and organizational dynamics of teacher decision-making, data-driven decision-making, emotion and affect in decision-making, and ethical decision-making. In this course, students also learn about under-studied issues in decision-making and how teachers can address such issues.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand various approaches to decision-making among teachers.
  • Develop analytical and empirical research skills on decision-making processes to ensure teaching quality.
  • Understand and adopt decision-making strategies to improve teaching.
  • Analyze approaches for data-driven decision-making to enhance teaching efficiency and effectiveness.

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