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BHS 499

Capstone Project
Name: Capstone Project
Course Number: BHS 499
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

This course is designed for students who are preparing for careers in the health sciences. It is structured as an independent study course, culminating in the creation and presentation of a term paper for academic review.

The course aims to demonstrate advanced-level writing, critical thinking, and application skills suitable for health sciences students.

Term Paper Requirements:
The term paper is an applied project that should address the following components:

  1. Course Selection Revisit:
    • Choose a course from your concentration to explore in more depth.
    • Explain your motivation for selecting this particular course.
  2. Concept Analysis:
    • Identify three significant concepts from the chosen course.
    • Define and describe each concept in your own words.
  3. Journal Article Review:
    • Select a professional journal article (different from any presented in the course).
    • Summarize three main findings of the article.
    • Describe how the article demonstrates at least two of the concepts you have identified.
  4. Real-World Application:
    • Illustrate how the identified concepts can be applied in a practical, real-world setting that you might encounter.

Length of the Term Paper:
The term paper should be between 15 to 20 pages in total length.

Learning Outcomes:

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