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HCA 315

Name: Bioethics
Course Number: HCA 315
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

This course delves into the complexities of ethical decision-making in nursing practice, focusing on scenarios commonly encountered, such as end-of-life choices, artificial reproduction, research ethics, cloning, and stem cell research. It also addresses patient decision-making principles, life-sustaining treatments, reproductive issues, and debates surrounding euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand and differentiate between theoretical ethics and applied ethics as they pertain to nursing and healthcare.
  • Clearly explain major ethical theories, including their foundational assumptions and how they apply in healthcare contexts.
  • Conduct a critical analysis of the general characteristics and limitations inherent in current bioethical discussions.
  • Critically examine and challenge common beliefs and misconceptions about ethics, especially in the context of bioethics and healthcare.

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