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LL.B 403

Public International Law
Name: Public International Law
Course Number: LL.B 403
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

This course delves into the mechanisms of international law and the scope of its governance on a global scale. Topics covered include the definition, historical evolution, future trajectory, goals, and purposes of international law. The course also addresses aspects such as interpretation and application, along with the intricate relationship between international law and domestic legal systems.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Articulate the sources of public international law.
  • Examine the significance of the socio-political context and historical development of public international law.
  • Discuss the methodologies and mechanisms involved in the creation of public international law.
  • Critically analyze the interplay between international law and the domestic legal systems of select Commonwealth Countries.
  • Elaborate on international legal norms governing treaties and their application in practical scenarios.
  • Formulate persuasive oral and written arguments through the analysis of pertinent legal materials and literature.

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