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In a remarkable stride towards academic excellence, Charisma...

Embracing Triumph: A Salute to the Charisma University Class of 2022

Dear Charisma Grads,

With immense joy and pride, the Department of Student Affairs extends heartfelt congratulations to the remarkable Class of 2022. Your journey has been nothing short of extraordinary, and your accomplishments stand as a testament to the unique spirit of our university.

In the face of unprecedented challenges, you have exhibited qualities that set you apart:

  1. Resilience: Completing a degree amidst a global health pandemic and societal upheavals showcases your unwavering resilience.
  2. Adaptability: Navigating the complexities of online learning with determination and conquering technology underscores your adaptability.
  3. Innovation and Diligence: Remaining actively engaged despite obstacles demonstrates your innovative spirit and diligence.
  4. Game Changers: By pursuing higher education to contribute to your community and catalyze global social change, you have become true game changers.

For those who joined our celebrations in Turks and Caicos Islands and Malaysia, it was a pleasure to commemorate this milestone with you in person. To those who couldn’t attend, our heartfelt toasts reach you wherever you are, urging you to relish this moment.

As you step into the world, remember that the trials you faced are not to be discarded but celebrated, for they shaped your journey. Carry Charisma University with you, for you will forever be an integral part of our legacy.

Charisma grads, congratulations on this significant victory. May your future endeavors be blessed with success. Here’s to the Class of 2022!

Dr. Dana-Marie Ramjit
Executive Vice-President,
Student Affairs

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